jem with me.


Sunday, July 18, 2004

Jem's Update
I was updating my template last night, and in the process of meddling, all my photograph links disappeared!! And the worst thing is that I cant remember the passwords and everything else for pbase.. so adios to the pictures....
I still have them in my computer though. :)
I nearly knocked down a motorcyclist today! Was having driving, and it was so not my fault! The stupid guy didnt give way when he was supposed to and was going so fast. he just zoomed out of the intersection without even checking and I was on the main road and he was on the side road so I have the right of way! It was really close --I had to do the emergency brake... Gee.
Went to Sungei Buloh Wetland reserve this afternoon with Cher and her Daddy. haha so cute right? And Mr Jem Goh, whom mosquitos usually respect, was bitten everywhere! They were just having a feast on me.... All the female mosquitos.. I guess they just couldnt control huh? haha Not shy! Cher's dad spotted kingfishers, herons, woodpeckers, Jem spotted spiderwebs, ants and er.. grass. haha initially!! Then Cher and I started to get the knack of spotting birds. And we saw a HUGE monitor lizard. highlight of the day...
headed down to Causeway point after that, the arcade is so fantastic! They have this game show trivia game where you compete against other contestants and the winner wins 40 tickets at one go, and if you hit the jackpot it can go up to hundreds. We won about 200 tickets today!


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