jem with me.


Wednesday, July 07, 2004

The following is not of any referral to anyone or any incident in particular.

Sometimes during a conversation, the other party might casually mention something. Innocently said, no ill intention, but for some reason that you cant put your finger to, you cant help but feel a pang. It doesnt even have to be words, sometimes seeing someone do something, or reading something, or just seeing someone can make you feel that pang too.

What the hell is 'that pang' anyway?

It brings forth so many emotions, some of which you arent supposed to feel. Something like a forbidden fruit. You see it, but you know you cant eat it, and then you feel 'that pang'. And because you arent supposed to feel it, it brings guilt with it. gee.

And 'that pang' only lasts for a split second.

Life is complicated.

They say your life is made up of many choices, that we are fortunate to have the wisdom or the liberty to do as we want. But having the choice and making that choice doesnt necesaarily come with happiness. You got to deal with the experience and mould your own outcome, and when you make a mistake deal with the consequences. And sometimes you make that choice because taking the other path isnt what you are supposed to do. Face it, we cant always be selfish, there are always other considerations. so.. deal with it.

The only absolute choice we have is our attitude.

Oscar Wilde says that experience is the name that people give to their mistakes. Well, with all due respect Oscar Wilde, how else can you put your temporary failure to a positive light. Experience is learning.


You know what happened today!? I was giving out economics flyers right? At this certain JC right? AND GUESS WHAT! The students are so F-ING RUDE. R.U.D.E. Rude rude rude! They took the flyer, glanced at it, and tossed it to the ground. DID they even bother to turn around and give it back to me? NO! Did they even throw it in the dustbin? NO! ALL THEY DID WAS TO TOSS IT ONTO THE GROUND WHERE IT LAY ON THE GRASS! LITTERBUGS! RUDE LITTERBUGS! And all this was done right in front of me. They cant even be discreet.
Their behaviour disgusts me. DISGUSTING RUDE LITTERBUGS! WHERE IS THEIR SENSE OF RESPECT? WHERE IS THEIR SENSE OF CIVIL DUTY? NOT PRESENT AT ALL! Notice I used the word 'they'. This wasnt a sole incident. And stunned me, said nothing at all, because why? I was stunned. Stunned that such people exist. That I dont even know what to say anymore.


I am deeply disappointed.

I'm returning to anti-people Jem.

I shall go make friends with aliens.

ps: but of course, there are still lovely people in the world. Shall not condemn the community just because of some disgusting rude litterbugs.



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