jem with me.


Tuesday, June 29, 2004


You know sometimes the force of a realisation equates to an impact of a jackhammer, accompanied by the sheer suddenness of it leaves fragmented pieces, breathlessness, and the ultimate confusion.

The truth is right there in the face. But when one runs away from it, he is actually running towards it, and by the time he opens his eyes, it is too late to hold himself back and he runs headlong smack into it. It's like a bloody slap in the face.

But because of chosen actions, you should have seen it coming. But everyone is myopic isnt it? We reap what we sow, but our harvest isnt always good.

There's an incessant battle of discord. An adversary with myself. But not to the point of a self proclaiming antagonist. There has always been a balance of abomination of blemishes and pride of .. Me. But it seems like that weighing scale is leaning towards the side that isnt to my favour, because I now aprehend and perhaps appreciate that there are many areas that need appraisal, and improvement.

So for now,

Jem = Recluse.

Until I get my feet back on the ground again.


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