jem with me.


Tuesday, June 22, 2004

We laid our foundation for this friendship in secondary school, and it has been renovated, remodeled, and expanded over the years. We had arguments because we all are different architects, sometimes our interior designing goes a litle awry, but due to a combination of tastes which totally just exudes CLASS (haha), we have built a home to be admired and cherished..

There's nothing quite like going out with people who are still of secondary school age to bring back a flood of memories about your own.

Went down to Wildwildwet and Escape, curious mixture of 20 year olds and a couple of 15 years olds and extremities of height differences. Haha. When Cheryl and I were at Tioman we met this 15 year old who was so friendly and sociable we exchanged contact. And she brought her friend and we all went out together with Lenny yesterday. ok.. and get this, the 2 15 yr olds are Lenny's height. To those that do not know Lenny's height, well, it's Yun's height. So standing in between them is like.. hmm.. picture mountain valley huh?

Anyway, they were screaming at every ride we took we made it all so much fun. haha but I felt old!! I didnt feel older, I felt old! Cause they were so loud, so rapturous,estatic, but most of all, they had so much energy. I felt like an old man next to them. haha ok that's a little exaggerated but no prizes for guessing which age group was more exhausted.

And then, I was wistful. Because my group of friends and I agree that our time in secondary school was the best. The VIPs in my life are them, and each other. (haha I hope! *menacing look*) But when I relieve that stage of my life, and when you gaze at photographs, sometimes you just wish to turn the clock backwards just for one day.
Those classic moments, each others' flaws and personality, they really are heartfelt moments.

Such as Gwen's crazy picture taking in the toilet (dont go thinking porn now) and other positions ( ahah) I remember there was one scene where gwen and I 'rode' on broomsticks and pretended to be Harry Potter. (!?!?) There was that harrods bag era, the black project shop bag which Yun mau dele and Crys carried... Louey's Mr greg, styling her hair for her in the toilet, Mau's Mickey Mouse jacket,going to Yun's house after school, going to J8 after school (oh gawd) haha Sec 3 camp.. yes yes guys.. remember my striptease?? Sec 4 camp..screaming into that dj's ear whatever his name was.. and who can forget our famous.. or rather infamous one week suspension.. whahah bet the trophies are still shiny to this very day... that stupid lau tou zi.. remember we got his pager number(it was still the era of pagers too) and eatned to prankcall him.. :D

And plus plus plus.. I cant list all.. too many...

Hope you guys are smiling after reading this...

But we all must move on.

And though we have disagreements, misunderstandings, share of bitching and gossip, each and every one us still remain unique and still play her part in this building.

And hey, friends may walk in opposite directions, but can always remain side by side.

let's put in more effort yeah?

Love you all - Sue, Yun, Mau, Dele, Gwen, Crys, louey..

"We will be friends until forever, just you wait see." - Pooh Bear


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