jem with me.


Saturday, June 19, 2004

Nice guys finish last.

I read thie book lent to me by Cheryl, called ' The Making of Minty Malone' Basically, this Minty character is a really nice girl who got jilted at the alter of her wedding. So then she goes through this soul searching on the reason why everyone seems to take her for granted, and she comes to the conclusion that she's been too nice.

ok so that was a really skimpy sypnosis but you get the drift.

I think I can relate to Minty in the past. I was Mr Nice Guy. Treated my friends and girlfriends so perfectly. But as I progressed, I realise that being nice isnt exactly always the best solution for anybody else and myself. Cause after a while, it's only inevitable that people will tend to take you for granted, whether it is intentional or subconscious, and they cant wholly take the blame cause you kinda moulded them into this stage.

So I hardened up. Try to be nice, but still command respect from myself and others. Became from a pushover to someone they can lean on. Or so I hope anyway. And it's so much better this way, for everyone in general. And THAT's balance.

Jem's Update
Yun sweetie: All the best for your exam! Your holiday plan sounds like so much fun wish I was there!

Sue: Hey how are you? havent been talking to you for sometime! Update me yeah? Dont stress at work.

Crys: Hey you seem to have disappeared too!

Gwenniegwen: Hey.. hmm.. shant say much here but how are things? Hope you managed to settle everything. Dont read too much into things ok? hugz


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