Life is such.. as I have learnt..
That as you walk through life, it changes, but change is not parallel to adaptation and hence, some people stay and some people go, or you choose to keep, or choose to lose.
That a little story can be twisted out of proportion, but seems to be some kind of perverse entertainment for mundane lives. Yet some stories can be really juicy. And you may feel guilty for a while, but then you fall into the same trap all over again.
That the same story can be viewed entirely differently by 2 people.
That many of us choose to look at everything from our own angle to our own advantage.
That something you do in an instant, may leave you with heartache for life.
That some events remain in your memory forever.
That a stranger or someone that you hardly know may change your life, or bring awareness about your current state of life.
That yesterday may be normal, but the next day you wake up without knowing that later on you may lose somebody that you love.
That sometimes you dont get the opportunity to say goodbye.
And therefore learnt that you should always leave loved ones with loving words.It may be the last time you see them.
That sometimes you wish you could have been more loving, more responsbile..
That you think about your passed pet from time to time and miss the times you shared together.
That regret is something that overwhelms us from time to time.
That sometimes you feel lousy and down about yourself.
That sometimes you feel you arent good enough.
That melancholy creeps up mostly in the middle of the night.
That you only turn to God when you need Him the most.
But besides that.. I have also learnt...
That sometimes you can keep going, long after you say you cant.
That within every soul there is a rose. The God-like qualities planted in us at birth, grow amid the thorns of our faults. Many of us look at ourselves and see only the thorns, the defects.
Then we despair, thinking that nothing good can possibly come from us. We neglect to water the good within us, and eventually it dies. We never realize our potential.
That usually we do have people who help us realize that potential.
That sometimes we do have people who care enough about us to reassure you about your insecurities.
That when you accomplish something, even something small, it's okay to feel good about yourself.
That when 2 people argue heatedly, it doesnt mean they dont love each other.
That ironically, the more you care about the person, the more intense or angry you can get.
That you have a choice: either you control our attitude, or it controls you. Or either you let go of past regret or the past, or let it control you.
That God is always there.
That sometimes, things do have a funny way of working out, when things seem to be down.
When it's really dark, it cant get much darker. But there's room for plenty of sunshine.
That sometimes, when you think of a long lost friend, that maybe she's thinking of you too.
That God takes care of everyone, alive or dead, human or animal.
That sometimes all we need is a little faith.
That we need to be a little more giving at times, and try to step in others' shoes.
That we have many things to be thankful for, necessities or materialistic items or non -materialistic issues, that many do not have.
That our problems sometimes are problems at all.
That sometimes temper has to be controlled.
That every little thing counts.
That indifferent attitudes can hurt very deeply.
That everyone is unique.
That everyone has goodness in them.
That when people are malicious, it could be because they dont understand.
That we should never pass judgement about someone else.
That when you fall, you either remain fallen, or you get up.
That when you have the right to be angry, it does not give you the right to be cruel.
That we should try to be gracious to everyone, whether they deserve it or not.
That sometimes we should put others' feelings before ours.
That everyone has feelings.
That sometimes we can get advice across without being blunt.
That we should always trust our instinct.
That a mother's instinct is usually right.
That there is nothing quite like a mother's love.
That one of the greatest characteristics of love is to look at a person, know their true faults and accepting that person into your life... all the while recognizing the nobility in their soul. Help others to realize they can overcome their faults. If we show them the "rose" within themselves, they will conquer their thorns. Only then will they blossom many times over.
That I should be thankful for the beautiful things in life can override the ugly.
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