jem with me.


Thursday, June 17, 2004

Embrace your individuality....

Tough sledding. That's the most appropriate idiom I can think of to describe how words always appear so much simpler than its actual action, especially if you do not fall within the social boundaries metted out since eons ago, or the restraints of rigid mindsets. To most people, adhering to conventions fall in place naturally do them. But to those who actually have to bind themselves to the observance of these conventions, it takes a lot of character and strength and support to take the first single step of embracing.

But it also takes a lot of broad minds to look beyond one's exterior.. or one's difference. And not many people do have that, through no fault of their own. I realise that the people who are open to 'differences' are those that have direct exposure to it. And you cant expect people to understand because it's not very easy accepting something that you are not sufficiently comfortable with yet.

You know how emotions conflict? You love who you are, your personality your character, everything... yet other times you wished you could somehow be a little bit more different. And then you chide yourself because you know you genuinely possess that self love that is enough to face anything, but sometimes you cant be who you really are because you know that sometimes you just have to abide by the rules to stay in the game.

Gee. well life is tough huh? Sigh.. whatever.

But I still love myself.

I love me I love me I love me I love me I love me I love me I love me..

Dream as if you live forever. Live as if you die today.
James Dean


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