jem with me.


Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Dele dreamt that she failed her driving test. And she passed.
I dreamt that I failed my law exams.


That means I'll pass too right?


Conclusion: I am seriously delusional, am I?

I've been having weird dreams lately!

Weird dream number 1: I dreamt that Cher liked someone else.
Conclusion: Ok it doesnt take a very smart person to infer that it probably comes from insecurity, paranoia, jealousy and blah blah blah. So ok this takes it off the weird list.

Weird dream number 2: I dream that I brushed my teeth with Yun's high class toothpaste, which turned my teeth all green and started falling out. (what's new right? I always dream of my teeth falling out) Anyway, I went to the 2 dentists, Yun's mum and my sec school science teacher Jen Choo ( yes like what the hell) and they concluded that the teeth dropping out are fake teeth, and underneath there was a whole set of strong pearly white teeth.
Conclusion: Teeth... = words. *shrug* ok but it isnt weird cause weird should mean it isnt normal and I've always been dreaming all this so hence, it's not a weird dream.

Weird dream number 3: I dreamt that I saw puppies being drowned in some sticky liquid.
Conclusion: That's not a weird dream that's a bloody nightmare!!

Final conclusion: I had no weird dreams.


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