jem with me.


Thursday, May 06, 2004

You can take a girl out of IJ but you cant take the IJ out of a girl.
Those were the days...

1.What stupid things have u done when u're in school?oh.. gee.. plenty.. let's see.. skipping the vice principal's class to sneak out and buy jelly, got caught (duh it was the VP's class, my silliness then amazes me) and suspended. Gambling in the school canteen.. suspension with the girls.. but those were the greatest times!! Remember guys.. the MR Loh ( lau tou zi) .. the blue ladder.. the watering.. the studying.. the locking ourselves up..haha remember MR James with hair growing out of his ears? .. the climbing out of the window.. *wistful smile*

2.What subject did u like? Hmm.. Maths. English.

3.What do u hate most? Accounts.. ( I got a bloody F9 for Os! ) Art(lower sec).. I cant draw... I must have been demoralised in pri sch.. I used to get Ds and Es in lower pri.. I mean..geee! I was a kid.. how can you give me such grades... whether I deserve it or not is another matter.. see.. I bet it's thier fault for brainwashing me.

4.Ever had a crush with the teacher? haha yes.. PEOPLE!! Remember MS NG HUIYIN? She was the source of my passing tests and doing homework. Too bad she was a relief if not I might be Math genius right now under her excellent tutoring. *nods*

5.Any killer teacher? Er.. killer as in hot? Or killer as in.. murder? Haha. Hmm.. I would say Jo Teo of course.. who causes a stampede with her appearance.. haha she wasnt bad though. just... intimidating. and big.

6.ever cheat during exams? Nahz... I just failed them.

7.What did u enjoy the most? The girls! Haha as in,, you know. My friends. Not literally girls. Ha. oh maybe literally girls. LOL. kidding. But the people I met are one of a kind! :D

8.Ever smoke in school? nahz.. I dont smoke. I am a good girl. * nods fervently.*

9.Any achievement during school?Er...... I dunno. Does discipline record count? Haha okok I know. I was vice captain for Table -tennis. haha * beams*

10.If u could turn back time to ur School? Dunno... Relieve all those great moments all over again and soaking in every damn minute!


Jem's Incoherent Ramblings. Please Excuse.
Life is...

"You laugh because I'm different, I laugh because you're all the same"
This applies to all who differs from social norms. Being part of a group offers the sense of security that everyone needs at some point in time,but being an individual is the most outstanding quality one can ever possess.You were born an original, don't die a copy."

"Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest of these are 'What might have been?'."
There's this saying, 'on the road of what ifs, all travellers are unhappy.' And I guess all sayings are there for a reason. So everyone, seize your opportunities because you may never get the same chance again. Life is too short for any room for regret.

But then, you realise that most people who say this are those who have been through their series of what might have beens and what ifs and lost chances, and let's face it, the majority do not learn from others' mistakes. They learn from their own.

Never expect, and you'll never get hurt."
Most definitely easier said than done. And one of my weak points too.

"The less we look with our eyes, the more we will see with our hearts."
That's faith. And we all need a lot of that.

...... I think I need some time to get my perspectives in check, and reshuffle my priorities. This has a danger of running way out of hand. And I'm letting it. I should stop. Or should I?
Focus jem focus! SSSS TTTT UUUU DDDDD YYYY . That should and shall be the only word in my mind. Yeah. Right. Yes. really. Oh whatever.


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