jem with me.


Friday, May 14, 2004

Faults are thick where love is thin. -British proverb

Man is swift in judgement, preoccupied with others wrong doings, harsh in criticism, but painfully slow in giving.

Perhaps typing out the above sentence is an irony in itself. But note that the above does not serve for cynicism, nor scornful of Man's faults --though undeniably, they are often made unwittingly-- but aims mainly for awareness and cultivation of virtues and goodness.

In our world, I like to believe that there is no situation where there are absolute areas of black and white, for each overlaps the other to form both misty and bold shades of grey. Yet most are quick to leap into the seemingly defined areas without giving much thought to many possibilites that have arisen, but may not be easily seen to the eye. I have learnt that when it comes to human feelings, the capacity and ranges have no limitations, boundaries are only set in because of both self and conventional principles. Yet, everyone is unequivalent in this sense too.

And sometimes, we just want to believe in something because then we remain in the stable world, and agreeing with what is outside the norm throws us into another dimension of unstability all over again, and therefore being the former is easier. I dont know about you, but I guess I'd rather be second rated me than a first rate imitation.

So how then do we balance these sets of complications? I guess there is no solution, except to stand in others' shoes, and view it from another perspective. And maybe we should use a little heart too. Remember, when you point your finger accusingly at someone else, you have three fingers pointing at yourself.

You only see what your eyes want to see..
how can life be what you want it to be..
you're frozen... when your heart's not open..


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