jem with me.


Saturday, May 15, 2004

Conference MSn with Val and Cheryl

Scene: val and Cher are discussing some job advertisement they saw in the papers about ice creams.

Val: what do i do when i call?
Cher: be sure to ask them what ice cream and all.
Cherl: when we can start work
Jemsayswhatever says: WHAT NOT TO ASK
1. Do I get free ice creams?
2. do my friends get discounts?
3. can i have a taste of ur product now?
4, (and if u actually do taste it) Yucks! This sucks. I think I shld take over the processing.
5. say to him ' hey.. how long have you been working here? cause your hair sure looks ilike ice cream'
6. tell him... 'hey.. i think you missed a spot while shaving. there's cream on ur chin'
7. never wipe it of for him and say ' oooh! yummy.. it's actually vanilla.....'

Cheryl and Val blatantly ignores me.

Jem: WAHAHA ok this is so shameless but i acutally liked the vanilla one! whahhaa
Jem: Oh I really do laugh by myself. And at my own jokes.

Cheryl and Val continues to feign ignorance.

Jem: haha oh man i feel like blogging abt it!!!

Extract from Cheryl and Jem's conversation
Cher: darling
Cher: you can be so funny you know.about the ice cream i mean
Cher: shall record it in classic jem moments.

*smirks* ok so I edited some extracts that werent too complimetary to my jokes. But hey face it guys! you love ir right?

*sings* oh.. I am so in love with.. ME...

my name is jem ignatius goh!

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