jem with me.


Thursday, April 08, 2004

There were several analysis about dreams involving teeth falling out. Debs and Mau here you are!

1.Dreaming that you have rotten or decaying teeth, forewarns that your health and/or business is in jeopardy. You may have uttered some false or foul words and those words are coming back to haunt you.
Yup... maybe that's why I'm sick now huh.

2.Look and see if you are losing or abusing power and control in any area of your life (especially if you are losing teeth in your dream). Old dream interpretations say that dreaming about teeth is a bad omen that suggest financial difficulties. Yes... I need $$$.

3.It can show the beginning of a new phase of life.You may be worried about your self image or the dream may signify unexpressed anxiety. Stress?? *shrugz*

Hmm seems like basically it isnt exactly a very good sign huh? But apparently dreams of teeth falling out are very common, and likely to occur frequently. And people who has these sort of dreams get so disturbed by the dream that they just simply have to know its significance, which explained Me. Ha. Oh well.

To Yun:

I know I havent been the greatest friend in the world these few weeks, it's hard to catch me on MSN and it seems like in a way I've completely disappeared from your life. but I just want to reaffirm and reassure you that I'm still around for you to call me anytime you like. I know you havent been going through a very easy time at this moment (read your blog) but I want you to know that you're still my bestest friend and nothing is going to change that. that. I'm sorry that i havent been around the picture much, been caught up with a lot of things currently, plus exams coming up... stress factor! But yeah, let's catch up soon k? I love you!


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