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Friday, April 09, 2004

Recipe for Miracles

* Ingredients:
1 part of knowing who you are
1 part of knowing who you aren't
1 part of knowing what you want
1 part of knowing who you wish to be
1 part of knowing what you already have
1 part of choosing wisely from what you have
1 part of loving and thanking for ALL you have
* Instructions:
Combine ingredients together gently
and carefully,
using faith and vision.
Mix together with strong belief
of the outcome until finely blended.
Use thoughts, words and actions
for best results.
Bake until Blessed.
Give thanks again.
Yield: Unlimited servings

Anyway, here's review for Passion of Christ, seeing that today is Good Friday.. very appropriate.

The show in its broad context projects Jesus in the time before and during his journey on his road to cruxifiction. There were many flashes of Satan and his subtle yet disparaging constant put downs, the flashing of temptation that we are all so familiar with. Mel Gibson's rememberance of the presence of Satan was important because it reminds us that Jesus was also human, prone to experience frequent discouragement, yet his unwavering faith and unyielding courage ( not to mention high tolerance to pain) is simply just admirable.

Ok, now for the torture. His walk to Calvary wouldnt have been that sinous if it wasnt for the beating given earlier. And mind you, beating is a horrible understatement. It casted the black side -make that charcoal black- of mankind, alcohol serving as a gross catalyst for the savage animal in Man to emerge. Whipping him metal chain balls and clubs, both metal and heavily spiked, it stucked into his skin, and when pulled out, the skin went along with it. Ouch!Let's not forget Man's basic brute strength. It was a bloody sight. And it didnt go on for minutes, it went on for lifetimes. it went on for many tears, many cries, and sadly, much laughter. Ok.. I sound as though I have so much hatred, but it really was very sad. But as he preached, ' Love your enemies.'

On his journey, he had to carry this HUGE wooden dreadfully, eminently, notably, grossly, damned, staving ( ok you get the picture) heavy cross, the weight just simply bearing and jamming down on his raw cuts. Oh oh wait. I forgot one detail. Those drunken soldiers, (actually I just use the word drunken to disillusion me to the fact that people can be so surpassingly cruel), anyway, they made him a crown made of thorns and they slammed it on his head, making sure the thorns went right through into his skin. ouch! I mean, most of us shriek and shrill when a tiny thorn gets into our fingers. Imagine wicked and dirty and bacteria filled thorns in your head. It just gives me a headache thinking about it. hur. No pun intended. ok anyway yes, back to his journey, he was spat on, ridiculed, mocked, save for a few who mercifully saved my judgement on Man during that era (although who am I to judge).

When they nailed him to the cross, while dislocating his shoulder in the prcocess, a part of my heart got nailed and dislocated too. hurhur. And when they nailed his ankles, my legs gave way too. (Ok so yes I was sitting down but that's not the point.) But guys, use your imagination, and envision the type of pain caused by nailing rusty nails into your bone right through into a piece of wood. And bearing that pain for hours.

Throughout it all, Jesus still called for the Lord to have mercy on those who were ignorant.

And this ordeal? All for us.


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