jem with me.


Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Last night, my girlfriend said to me "You're a pervert"
I replied " Wow that's a pretty big word for a 9 year old girl to use"

"Happiness is watching the TV at your girlfriend's house during a power failure."

"I'm such a good lover because I practice a lot on my own."

"My wife is a sex object. Evertime I ask for sex, she objects."

Haha ok! A little something to share with you! Just thought they were pretty amusing. Couldnt stop laughing when I read them. So how many out there are shrieking with laughter how? Hurhur. ;D

To loose and learn, is better to loose and regret...
Ever look back and think about your 'what ifs?' Ever replay or reminisce moments which you know you may never relieve again? Ever felt afraid to make a choice then because you may be jerked out of a comfortable stupor?But I guess all this just serves to remind you to seize opprtunities, so that you'll me more readily prepared to deal with it if you ever get the chance to face it again.


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