jem with me.


Saturday, April 17, 2004

Last night, I was standing in a carpark, and looked up for no apparent reason. And then I learnt how the term star-gazing came about. You never want to tear your eyes away, and the camera inside of you automatically takes the best picture ever. Best of all, it remains in your memory.

It was a simple act, just looking up at nature. Yet when you stand there marvelling at that little simple act, you wonder when was the last time you took a moment to enjoy little miracles such as these.

It is time to open our eyes.

Mustard seeds are one of the tiniest seeds, yet they grow into one of the biggest trees of all. Maybe we should start believing in our own little actions.

Self lecturing, a little rebuking, but finally an admittance, I shall do what I have to do.

1) it is not too late to start studying, although it will be soon. Certain sacrifices have to be made. Keep to the timetable, do not let your concern rest within what you do not know, but what you shall learn.

2) Keep within budget. Plan finances, cut down on taxis. Save! Cut down on handphone usage too.

3) Build your relationship with God, and pray constantly for those who need it.

Ok I feel a little more settled, at least I have some sort of direction right now.


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