jem with me.


Friday, April 30, 2004

Here.. we embark on another journey of mutual benefits.. learn more about me! And then I can get to notice things about myself too.

My name is: Jamie Jem Goh. MIddle names are original, unique, one-of-a-kind.. and tt's only my middle name but I shall spare you my second names in case some people choke on the realisation of what a wonderful friend they have. whaha
[In the morning I am]: Still sleeping.
[All I need is]: My family.. my buddies.. my love.. basically everyone in my life now.
[Love is]: Something that everyone should give and learn from, from the purest goodness in your heart that is innate in everyone.
I'm afraid of]: Death to loved ones and myself.. have not done a lot of things.
[I dream about]: oh. I dont really know actually..

-H A V E .Y O U. E V E R . .-
[Pictured your crush naked?]: haha No. I dont think I go that far.
[Actually seen your crush naked]: Damn no such luck. whaha kidding. I dont have a crush on anyone right now.
[Had sex]: Er.. if you're referring to conventional sex, no.
[Made love]: yes. I think even kissing is making love, cause you do it with feelings.
[Been in love]: I am in love
[Cried when someone died]: yes.. of course. Tear not cry though.
[Lied]: uh.. white lies. I try not to tell direct and profound lies.

-W H I C H . I S . B E T T E R-
[Coke or Pepsi]: Coke coke coke! *cheers* I should be a coke ambassodor.
[Flowers or candy]: erm.. none. how about chocolate
[Tall or short]: hmm.. both have their pros and cons.wish I was taller though.

-W I T H .T H E. O P P O S I T E. S E X-
[What do you notice first?]: the way the person carries himself/herself. it's very important, necause from little actions you can tell briefly tell how a person's character and attitude is like.
[Last person u slow danced with]: Hmmm.

-W H O-
[Makes you laugh the most?]: Hmm.. myself. I do! My jokes amuse me.. even if everyone else thinks they are lame. but face it guys! you love my jokes right?? haha
[Makes you smile]: The little things that people do for me.
[Do you have a crush on someone?]: Nopperz.
[Has a crush on you?]: Nah.. not charming enough. :(
[Easiest to talk to]: Hmm.. friends.. Cheryl..kossy.. Jo..

-D O. Y O U. E V E R-
[Sit on the internet all day waiting for someone special?]: Last time maybe but not anymore.
[Save Aol/aim conversations]: yes all stored in my memory bank.
[Wish you were a member of the opposite sex]: yes but only cause it makes things so much easier some times. but I always felt that if I were a guy I'd be a jerk so oh well. Everything happens for a good reason. I am glad I am a girl.
[Cried because of someone saying something to you]: Tear. Nor cry. I dont cry anymore. * wails* ahah

-H A V E .Y O U .E V E R-
[Fallen for your best friend]: No but they fell for me. Louey and Yun dont deny it man! haha kidding!
[Been rejected]: ha sadly yes.
[Rejected someone]: er... Yes.
[Used someone]: No, something that I would never do. Just not in my principles. If I ever did something lk tt it's unintentional.
[Been cheated on]: Not that I know of.
[cheated on?] Not that they know of. ha. But I am faithful NOW. *nods head*
[Done something you regret]: yes.. but not to the point where I let it get me down.

-W H O .W A S .T H E .L A S T. P E R S O N-
[You talked to on the phone]: Cheryl.. she's sick poor thing.
[Hugged]: Cheryl..
[You instant messaged]: Cheryl
[You laughed with]: Cheryl.. hahaha

-D O .Y O U-
[Colour your hair]: yes.
[Ever get off the damn computer]: of course! eyes hurt. Hey you know there's some new eye drop out there now specially for eyes that work too long on the com?
[Habla espanol]: um.. does that mean speak espanol? nahz.. oh! my former maid msged me from indonesia! how sweet! she left us for like.. few years already!

-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-
[Smoke cigarettes]: No.
[Obsessive]: uh.. not that I know of. I dont think so. I TRY to be reasonable. hah
[Could you live without the computer?]: hmm.. no. cause phone bills are ex and then how would I get to communicate with my precious yun then?
[How many peeps are on your buddy list?]:[ oh.. many many!
What's your favourite food?]: Chee Kuey :)
[What's your favourite fruit?]: Mandarin Pear and Mango
[Drink alcohol?]: Yes
[What hurts the most?]: I guess when loved ones say harsh words. or when you feel they dont love you anymore.
[Trust others way too easily?]: yes. Because I always felt that people are basically good, and will not maliciously harm people. most people anyway.


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