jem with me.


Sunday, March 28, 2004

"Make crime pay. Become a Lawyer."
Will Rogers.

Ha... gee I thought the above quote was so cute.. at my expense... But it just has that kind of.... subtle humour.

Jem's Update

let's see.. my weekend was spent with family and loved ones.. just catching up on some quality time.. Tomorrow will be the start of my long week.. Actually now that I have stopped whining and complaining to everyone, I'm sort of .. well not exactly looking forward to it.. but it'll be some kind of revision, and then I wont feel so bad about myself slacking. And hey.. when I really want to, I can concentrate! Jo! Remember that contract day when I really concentrated for the whole session?? *proud* Ha..

Joke Time! Just to put a smile on everyone...:)

A kindergarten pupil told his teacher he'd found a cat.
She asked if it was dead or alive.

"Dead," she was informed.

"How do you know?", she asked.

"Because I pissed in his ear and it didn't move," said the child innocently.

"You did WHAT?!?", the teacher squealed in surprise.

"You know," explained the boy, "I leaned over and went 'pssst' and he didn't move."

Ha.. cute right?? Ok hope that made you smile.. If it made you smile, tag me NOW! :)


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