jem with me.


Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Life= Theme Park

You know how life is. Sometimes, you're right on top of the ferris wheel enjoying the scenary and basking in the sun, the next minute that peak becomes the top of the rollercoaster, where it's just merely the top before the fall. Or to look at it from the optimistic point, you feel the fall, and the next minute adrenaline overtakes the fear and you're up there once again. Rollercoaster emotions.. now thats scary. There's only how many times you can go for the ride isnt it?

Or at times, you're just relaxed on a merry-go-round. There's no stress, you enjoy the music. But then, you never get anywhere. You listen to the same song, you sit in the same place, there's no destination, no challenge, no rush for you to look forward to. Merry-go-round emotions.. that's boring.

So... strike a balance man!


Ever had periods in your life where everything everyone says seem to confuse you? Your views become distorted, yet you remain aware of what you believe. There's just something wrong with their argument, yet there is nothing wrong with it, only it just opposes and contradicts whatever that you have relied your life upon. BUt it doesnt throw you off balance. Not to me anyway. I still firmly stand my ground. It just makes me think more. And I've got enough of that to do. Sometimes I think I think too much. Ha. Point proven.

But it's true. No one can truly understand your situation. They might attempt to try on your shoes, they might even fit your shoes, but the level of discomfort or comfort differs. Empathy or sympathy can only go that far. And where does anger or bitterness direct you to? Or do we just accept? But what if it's someone close to you? What if you can only sacrifice that much?

They dont understand. But maybe we dont understand either.

So the answer? Shrug it off. I guess. What else is there to do? At least for now.
Just... simply enjoy what you have.

Love isnt about 'why are you being like that?'.. but 'is there something wrong?'.....
Love isnt about ' you never do this..'... but ' It's ok.. I'll do it.'


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