jem with me.


Thursday, March 25, 2004

The following is a mood extract of Jem. Any seemingly accusation is merely coincidential. Jem is just ranting. As usual.

Life= theatre

My plot doesnt seem substantial. My direction isnt clear. I'm stuck in the scene. And this playwrighter doesnt seem to be doing her job.

I'm not stressed.. Neither am I succumbing to pressure. It's just that I have the most major exams coming up, something which I deem even more important than As. To hell with As. No one would get hurt if I dont do well except myself. But now there's more feelings involved, more finances involved, and it's not something that I'm used to. I'm used to breezing through everything, used to taking responsibility for my results. But not this time.

So for the first time in my life, I have to deal with it. I have to recognise and accept the gravity of what I am facing. And I have.

But then now I realise the meaning of splitting myself up. Into my different duties and obligations. But there is only one Me. how do I split myself up for so many different roles. And it is pressurizing me. to succeed in all the roles. But I cant.

Please lower your expectations. I cant do so many things at once. Especially when I'm not used to it.

I dont like pressure. I hate pressure. I like to do things MY way, do it in my own time, do my own thing.

But I have a great cast. Only right now, this director sucks.

Ah well. I changed my layout! I got bored with the last one. I need changes. Give me changes. I want to experience new things. Unless of course, you are in the league of the great cast mentioned above.


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