jem with me.


Monday, March 08, 2004

Came across this interesting sort of article.. and it's quite ME!
Sept 2th to October 03 ---hazelnut tree
Hazelnut Tree (the Extraordinary) — charming, *flashes a heart melting smile* need I say more? wahah
sense of humor, Hmm guess it is true in a way. I appreciate lame jokes. :)
very demanding yes.. that is true... I expect a lot and demand a lot.. esp from loved ones.. but I'm trying to mellow a litte
but can also be very understanding, *blushes* hey I think tt's true too!
knows how to make a lasting impression,
active fighter for social causesand politics,
popular, hmmm.. *flashes another winning smile*
quite moody, oh yes definitely. I have my moods.
sexually oriented, that is sooo not true! damn Jo is gonna call me se lang again.
honest, yes I value honesty
a perfectionist, hmm I'm rather a slacker but when I want to do something, I'll do it MY way.
has a precise sense of judgment and expects complete fairness.oh well.. I do my best. :)


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