jem with me.


Sunday, February 01, 2004

You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.
Mohandas K. Gandhi

Was it the interception of fate that chanced me upon this particular quote?

Too often we hate the world because of offensive actions or words directed to us, and cynicism's roots towards mutual goodwill among man started to be embedded deeper into the soil. And unwittingly, or sometimes purposely, the vengence that we feel because of the dire circumstances that we are forced to face changes us into handy gardeners, where our bitterness becomes the water for the weeds.

Among the roses there are thorns. But among the thorns there are also roses.

In this deep dark forest that we are entrapped in, unknown dangers and wicked branches, we fail to notice those that flower and flutter around us.

But who can blame those that seek revenge? who knows the amount of rage, and all the other inner turmoil or conflicting senses that arent exposed to our judgemental eye?
But this isnt whose fault it is or whose responsibility it is. It's just a matter of finding peace within yourself, which is as unique as each individual.

Peace. Seek peace.

That should be the aim for all.

Diminishing hope leads to broken spirits. have faith.

Jem's Update
I had an exhausting day. And last night too. Ha no those out there dont think too explicitly! I just had a late night that's all. Went to Sentosa today! Hey my kayaking wasnt THAT bad huh? At least I didnt capsize. Oh.. and smart me had my handphone in my pocket when I went into the water. So... well.. I thought it would dry out but nah... my sim card and phone conked out. But I'm not fretting over it! I mean... so it's a little inconvenient but it's just a phone huh?So my friends, if you want to get me on my handphone, uh... you cant. haha


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