jem with me.


Monday, February 09, 2004

Sin makes its own hell, and goodness its own heaven. Mary baker Eddy

The innate humanity I once believed exists even in the hardest core is fast dissipating; but I shall still hold on to faith and not condemn all humanity because of a single mistake, or actions by one individual.

Everyone has a balancing scale of right and wrong, and though the lines are usually fine, for certain things, the line of good and bad is a bold and loud margin across it, and one of such circumstances arises when there is a deliberate smirking intention of tarnishing the reputation of someone, and in the process did not stop to ponder about how the person involved might feel.

The intentional spite and vengefulness .. scares me.

The initial momentary anger I felt has long been gone, and replaced by resignation.. or perhaps it is more appropriate to say my detachment has set in again, the shield of holding back from feeling in order not to let those feelings possess me and control, or turn me into some bitter and hard person.

To those who are close to me, what I told you has happened again last night, this time the messages has turned into calling. But I managed to obtain sufficent proof .. and now it is time to unmask that bitch.

ok sorry.. just ranting.. as usual.

It is better to be wronged than do wrong.

To Ralph: I dont know what to say.. but remember that there are many of us rallying around you by your side, God is always watching over you. Everything will be ok soon.. Be strong and have faith. *big hug*


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