jem with me.


Tuesday, February 17, 2004

"Let our hearts not be bitter over what we believe to have lost, do not now have, or perceive as unjust lest the essence of such unpleasantness may propagate to the remainder of our heart and soul. To recall those many wonderful times and relish their memory is far better than to dwell on the few moments that we feel were less than ideal."

Jem's Update

MTV Awards was enjoyable.. haha although standing for like 5 straight hours isnt really my kind of thing. But watching the action live was definitely worth it. Gareth gates duet with Siti Nurhalizah was so fantastic! They sang 'say it isnt so' and it made me feel so sad even though I have no relation to the lyrics. Mariah Carey was the surprise guest.. and wow it a surprise! haha Too bad she didnt sing a song though.

Thank you all who have tagged my board and sms-ed me enquiring after me~! And thank you Dele for dedicating that entry to me I thought it was so sweet. Anyway just for the record, I'm much better now, temperature has gone down to normal. For the past 2 nights, it's been above 39 degrees, and it hit an all time high of 40.4! I thought I was gonna get brain damage. *whines* haha ok let me just wallow in self pity for a while ok? And no Dele it's not TB! *knocks wood* just throat infection but I've been taking my medicine regularly. *virtuous look*

To Cheryl: Hey get well soon yeah? Drink lots of water and all that. Poor thing! Anyway, just wanted to say thanks.. really appreciate it.. you know what I'm talking about.. but yeah...thanks! :) Hugz


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