jem with me.


Saturday, January 24, 2004

They say it never rains but it pours, but admist the clouds, and behind the shadows, a light lurks just beyond, but not out of reach. How cliche.

But how wonderfully true.

Yet, you realise that the people saying this says it only after they have survived the crisis, and not during the storm itself. We get too immersed in our troubles, and get drenched in our tears to stop, and have no energy or heart to remember cliches such as these. Yet, who can blame them? Everyone is entitled to self-pity, self denial, rage directed to everyone and anyone, there is simply just no room to brush our agonies and groans of and smile cheesily and declare that oh it's such a sunny day outside.

let's see. How many are there out there? Behind a curse there is a blessing. When one door shuts, another opens. Uh.. plus many many more.

So I guess the only real help these words give us are to ourselves, each individual's relation. After all, when you've been through it once, we tend to avoid making the same mistakes. Tend to anyway, no guarantee. And to others, hmm.. perhaps they are just to create awareness. And in a way that helps too.

But I still think the strongest action is just listening. Listening to others and to yourself. Listen, mind you not hear. And at least the person in pain knows that she isnt through this alone.

Jem's Update
Skived off tuition today... feel so irresponsible, but I was really tired.. no make that exhausted. So no point right?
Looking forward to chinablack chinablack chinablack. Maybe I'll see someone there. *laughs* And no Cheryl I am NOT hung up.Haha


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