jem with me.


Tuesday, January 06, 2004

It's just so surreal, and it's so difficult to represent the prefect irrationality of it.
The taste still lingers... and I savour every inch.

They say nothing lasts forever, I beg to differ, for what about memories? But even memories fade with time, save for the ones closest to our hearts. But we cannot live in our past, therefore, this being out of our control, we have to face the changes in our lives.
Many times, as we experience change, such as losing a loved one through death or otherwise, or lose your job, the gravity of the situation seems too much for us to endure. Yet we know that escapism is only a temporary solution and only serves for the problem to confront us again. Changes can be painful, but as doubtful as it may appear at times, everything happens for a purpose. It is your actions that will determine the outcome. Changes teach us the true meaning for strength. Be strong always, and always remember to appreciate the little things. And know that at times, it is not your fault, and no matter how much effort you put in, some things will never change back. The wind blows hard, but when it subsides, the leaves still fall.

Jem's Update
Mon Jan 3rd marked the first day of school at the new campus which surpassed all my expectations.. we have a pantry and guess what? A massage room! Yea! It's this room with about ten massage chairs? And the whole school is air-conditioned and just has that classy atmosphere. Definitely enjoyable.
I received my results today too. Shall not elaborate. Hah.
Met Peizhen, Lenny, Manling and Kos this evening for dinner and chilling out. Cant wait to see you guys next Tues! So this is becoming some weekly tradition huh?Ha.. but this evening was really fun. all of us being shameless, despite the fact that I was sick and coughing.. haha thanks you guys! --urs truly, mr salesman.

Yes, I am sick. Ahh.. *croaks* And here I am blogging at this time of the night instead of getting rest but ah well, cant get to sleep. I need a personal nurse. Those interested please take a queue number. ok.. getting shameless again.


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