jem with me.


Sunday, January 11, 2004

I shall strive to be a better student.

My examination fees are huge, they cost over a thousand dollars for only 4 papers, and my mum has to bear the brunt of it.. that's one of the big drawbacks about studying in a private school. And what makes it worse is that my laid-back attitude is preventing my potential to reach its peak(as always), I take too many things for granted.. oh no, I think I am over-ridden with guilt. Sometimes, the petty problems that I worry over make me so ashamed when I compare it to what my mum has to go through, after all, responsibilities for 2 children is no easy feat. So, from this week starting, I really shall do my very best as a student, skipping classes shall be at its most minimal and only when necessary, and I have to instill the discipline to at least do my bloody homework instead of glossing over it or pretending that I wasnt given any, or imagined I did it. Ahhhhhhh..

I bought 2 books today!
1. Nicholas Sparks 'The guradian'
2. Manju Kupar ' A married woman'. This story speaks about a married woman who falls in love with a younger girl and has to face her choices and confusions! Sounds interesting right? Alright Jo you'll be the next to read it!

Prayer of Gratitude and Guidance
Dear God,
I wish to thank you for granting my 30 day prayer, life has turned around so much, that contentedness is not something that is momentary anymore. Thank you thank you thank you!
Please guide me in being a better student, let my voice of conscience scream at me when I start to slack, and stir me up to do what I am striving to do.
Give me strength to keep my promise.

Love, Jamie


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