jem with me.


Sunday, January 18, 2004

Everybody dance to my song! ha..oh btw,
anyone up for Chinablack this Saturday?
Hip hop and R&B. Let me know yeah?

Imperfections blot our lives, but there are moments of simple bliss, just like today. a lazy Sunday afternoon.

I had a weird dream yesterday, or more specifially, its contents dealth with the typical nightmare, which untypically did not scare the shit out of me. Interestingly, I was planning an escape from the situation I was caught in. Hmm, maybe there is some kinda hazy significance. Ok nevermind, not making much sense here.

I really am not able to summon the sort of readiness to be concerned about other halfs or relationships, and this indifference and apathy, is just met by an enjoyment of my current independent status. I always said that if I were a guy, I'd be a jerk. And this is re-emphasized all over again, only now the dotted line of gender differences is becoming to be a faint line. Damn. Ok yes I am speaking in between the lines as usual and not making any sense. Again.

Someone asked me to admit something that I have always denied. And I still deny it. It is just a memory, nothing more.
I'm not hung up, not at all. Admittedly, maybe a bit. OK, maybe a big bit. But shrugz. I really do not care.

Excuse me, I just need a little ranting about random thoughts and blabber incoherently. It's a good way of organising your thoughts. Ironic, I know.

Ah, what the hell.


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