jem with me.


Monday, December 29, 2003

That's love. When you undertake all the suffering, acknowledging it is best for her to leave, and she is able to go in peace.

Believe in God, and believe that there is a paradise out there for all souls, a heaven and a haven for all who have suffered here on earth. The pain is all gone, and no matter how far she may seem, know that she is there all the time, watching over all of you.

I do not know her personally, but I know how it's like to lose a loved one.Her time on earth may be up, shed your tears, but remember her with a smile when you know how brave she has been. Lord know she was a fighter.

You and your family has been and will be in my prayers. Seek comfort in His presence, and know that He is always around. Just talk or cry, and He will listen.

And so will I.


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