jem with me.


Monday, December 08, 2003

Prayer for Day 18
Dear Lord, Please bring your peace and help me out of this

Self rebuke the day before, sparking the reminder that the companion of prayers should be fervour and ernestness, and my conversation with Him should be focused, free from other worldly distractions. I am ashamed, I seek forgiveness and will continue my prayers with utmost sincerity and may He help me.

I hardly started on my revision, and I'm taking a gamble and banking on pulling through, and act that I am no in the least proud of. But the past week where I minimised contact with everyone, the avoidance enabled me to spend quality time with myself, and the experience of solitude was so soul-enhancing, no regrets whatsoever.
Will be leaving the house now for my first paper! Never mind... I shall just exercise confidence and see how it goes.


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