jem with me.


Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Prayer for Day 13.
Dear Lord, please bring your peace and help me out of this

Music in the background: The road is long.. with a many a-winding turn.. that leads us to who knows where.. who knows where... but I am strong.. strong enough to carry him.. He aint heavy.. He's my brother.. So on we go..

A tribute to friendship

If we were to spent all our time revolving around ourselves, that solitude would indefinitely and inevitably be replaced by loneliness. Thus to curb that malady or syndrome, we turn to the many faces around us with the aim of quelling lonesomeness whose only knowledge is depression and an imagination that is far from creative or wild.
Each individual lives connect with other souls, a bond by the name of friendship and there is a very fine line between friendship and companionship. How many of you out there are familiar with the phrase 'friends forever'? Most probably, in fact, I would dare wage a 100% bet that all of you reading this would know this famous cliche. Friends forever....
So many of us have made the wrong turn in mistaking true friendship, only to be shattered later on in our maturing that most friends come and go. The many people that we meet and talk to, relate to each other because of circumstances such as school that bring them together, and as soon as those circumstances change, people change too. It is easy to forget that not everyone is destined to stay in your life, and forever is not just a word but a period of time in which anything and everything disappears, reappears or continue to stay.

Scenario:A says: ' hey do you know who B is?'
C replies: ' oh yes I know her. We used to be really good friends but not anymore.'

We all know this scenario. Maybe some of us would have said this at one point or another. What is it to really know someone? Same interests? Same style? or simply same class? If you say you know someone, wouldnt that knowledge prevail even through changing times? Or maybe in the first place, you never really knew them at all, and you were just drawn to each other just for that phase in your life.

I appear cynical. But I am realistic. I met people, same stay some go. I met new friends, some stay some go. And it's hard to say who are the ones that will remain. I am fortunate, to have met really special people. They might be far away in distance, but when things go wrong, or when I just need a listening ear, they are there. Even to confess a deep dark secret, or pure gossip, or just simply an outlet for panic and stress. When I need a friend.
You know who you are.
There are many in my life now whom I am not sure will stay or go, but only time will tell. But it's ok, because the most important thing to do is to appreciate the people around you, and if they go, it's alright, because you will still have the fantastic memories to keep that friendship alive, it does not matter if that time was long or short.
So, I would like to thank every single one of you reading this. yes, everyone... You have made a difference in my life, and I know that my life would not be the same without you guys. Cheers.
And if there is someone out there who played a part in your growing up, and is constantly in your thoughts, it is alright to just let them know that you miss them. Things will never be the same, but maybe something new can start. And if it doesnt, it's ok, cause in you, you know that that person is important enough for you to understand that people move on and things change, and that is what is most important of all.

And to all the IJ girls, here's a popular quote:
You can take a girl out of IJ
But you cannot take the IJ out of a girl

And this will reign.

Damn it.. it's 1 in the morning.. and I miss you like crazy.


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