jem with me.


Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Prayer for Day 12.
Dear Lord, please bring your peace and help me out of this

You might have many pillars of strength, but the strength you search and find within yourself will be the main foundation and the largest structure of all. It is this building that you construct through life's issues, it is this building that will prevail and stand erected through it all.
I confided my most innermost ponderings and musings to myself last night. Through meditation and comtemplation, I found in myself the consolation and elevated myself through the dark, and will continue with the upraising. It's funny how in life, a sudden twist of events can occur, parallel with equally twisted thoughts which leave you thoroughly confused and directionless. But it is only up to myself to straighten up, pick up those loose thoughts and channel it to enhance my building of strength.


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