jem with me.


Monday, November 10, 2003

"Remember the time that you did a favor for someone, a favor that was totally unsolicited? The person looked at you with a mixed look of surprise and gratitude, and those who witnessed the act praised you. How did you feel then? Anything less than great?"
Let's all try to start giving a little more shall we.

The cliche that everyone makes mistakes does not reduce the self disappointment, nor does it taper off the declining self worth felt by the particular individual who did himself or others wrong. It's just like how everyone will die anyway, but when death actually occurs, all these overused phrases (though no doubt they are not baseless), doesnt diminish the grief or make it any easier for mourners.
Throughout, I have always tried to be detached and remain foolproof and console myself that everyone goes through their own obstacles and make mistakes, and I am not immune from any bad decisions. But this senseless conviction offers no solace whatsoever.
Isnt it rather funny that sometimes you are in the middle of a mistake, yet you are unwilling to do anything about it? For so many of us, we remain in denial about our current and past mistakes, and unfavourable circumstances even though it is obviously steadily unfolding in front of us. Yet many choose to turn a blind eye. However, one must ascertain, is what I am doing really a mistake?
I would say I have fallen, or rather, hauled and thrusted upon a situation that would be deemed as a conventional mistake. After all, I didnt choose my path. Yet there is this nagging notion in me that though my steps were forced on this road, I have been the main constructor of this tunnel. Perhaps this is the mistake that I have made. I cant demolish this, so guess I'll just have to do some reconstruction.

The best things in life are priceless.. that's why I'll never be able to put a price tag on you... not that i want to anyway...


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