jem with me.


Thursday, November 27, 2003

Prayer for Day 7.
Dear Lord, please bring your peace and help me out of this

A new wind is gonna find your sail, That's where your jourey starts.

Melancholy sets in, slightly after the witching hour, the nightwind blows and strips me of all exterior defences, leaving me raw and vulnerable to outward forces and inner reflections.
Perhaps it is the infulence of the dark. They say it is when are you are in solitude where you find out who you really are. I know who I am, it's just that at times, my navigation goes awry. In the dark, what light do I follow?

Sometimes I feel that deep down, I'm not the person I want to be, nor as good or unblemished as the person that I may portray. I set high standards in terms of character and values, and live by my set of moral rules, the only regulations that I confine myself to. At times like this, I wonder perhaps my sense of pride (?) in myself has marred my altitude in reaching greater heights. That I can be a better person. That there's always room for improvement.

But then I realised that this isnt a theory examination that I am sitting for, testing or evaluating my merits. I should aim and strive for a goal yes, but not to the extent where not reaching it would deem me as failing. I should just remove the pressure on myself and work at my own pace in bettering myself.

You know, this 30 day prayer that I am doing? It's okay even if ultimately it appears that on the 30th day nothing changes. Recently, my faith has reached a level where I can put my trust in Him and know that He will do what is best for me. Ok, maybe it's not quite really there, but it's getting there...

In the dark, what light do I follow? It's alright even if there is no sun. I will use the stars as my source of navigation. If there's a stormy night with no stars, that's alright too, I'll just sail by faith.

My wish for all: May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrows to make you human, enough hope to make you happy.

Lady.. I'm your knight in shining armour and I love you
You have made me what I am.. and I am yours
My love, there's so many ways I want to say I love you..
let me hold you in my arms forever more.....


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