jem with me.


Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Prayer for Day 6.
Dear Lord, please bring your peace and help me out of this


Robin Casarjian, author of Forgiveness, A bold choice for a peaceful heart, said this " Once you forgivem you are no longer emotionally handcuffed to the person who hurt you. Forgiveness extricates you from someone else's nightmare and allows you to live in a state of grace.". Even more important to note, this author didnt write her book just out of sheer inspiration. She was a rape victim who forgived her predator to whom she was the prey.

But so many out there lug around the burden of resentment on their backs, making them hunched over so badly. Even Me. Why? It's not doing anyone any good. It's not doing you any good. Perhaps this animosity towards everything is to compensate for the sense of powerless experienced when we get hurt. But we all forget that we all have the power to choose, and we have to reclaim the power to be big enough to forgive.

Whether it is someone or people whom you feel have let you down, or dragged you down to the deepest depths of emotions, or circumstances and situations which have taken a turn for the worse and you bear the brunt of it-- when you forgive, it does not mean you give in, it just means you let go. These people and surroundings, they cannot wholly comprehend the extent in which you feel, so do yourself a favour and pull that knife out of your gut. It doesnt matter if you feel that the person does not deserve forgiveness. Sometimes, they wont even care whether they are being made enemies of.

And remember, maybe somewhere in that chain, you were a link in doing wrong. Just Maybe. So do not be so quick to anger. Take some time to analyze everything. But dont think too hard. It's vital.. go easy on yourself and everyone else.

It's ardous and operose, and it takes time. But let's all take the first infant step in trying. After all, it will leave our soul at peace


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