jem with me.


Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Prayer for Day 5.
Dear Lord, please bring your peace and help me out of this.

When you cruise down life's highway, do you feel that you have no direction? Or when you speed down the lonely roads, are you headed for a crash?

There will be periods of time in our life where we subconsciously reflect on past deeds and evaluate our lifestlye, leaving us with sudden depression that we lost ourselves and we cannot seem to find any ultimatum in life, or simple feel a sense of self loss and loneliness. This is a fact. But it doesnt make us any less forlorn.
Why do these things happen?

Problems are in existence for a reason. Christians believe that God gives us problems because He's trying to tell us something. Sometimes God uses a problem to protect us from a bigger problem. If you are one of His, He does that whether you understand it or not.
I used to think that God gave me problems to toughen the relationship. I see now that maybe He was trying to tell me something.
If you are having problems right now, what are they revealing about you? Are you trusting God, that He knows best, or are you complaining and murmuring to God?
Sometimes, problems are a blessing in disguise.
Problems test us.
True, it's difficult. It's darn hard sometimes. And it's so easy to give up. But shed a few tears, then wipe them away. Some times, things just happen. Let them happen. But dont let it get the better of you.
I always try to tell people, it's okay to feel sad, angry, bitter, It's normal when things go wrong. But when you let such feelings control you, the only one that ends up hurt is yourself, and worse, it's self-inflicted. You are the one in control, not them.

No one ever said anything was easy. But just take a step back. One day, everything is going to be ok.
I'm waiting for that day to come, and I put my trust in Him. As each day goes by, I can feel my faith increasing. A little wavering, no doubt, but it's getting there.

Waiting, waiting, waiting... I have all the time for you.


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