jem with me.


Tuesday, November 18, 2003

I fell headfirst into the caliginous pits and waited for darkness to envelope. By way of will, it transformed into lush gardens where I was illuminated by the light.

I was churned downwards into the unmerciful waters with a necessity for oxygen, and waited for the them to conceal me in its sinous cache. By way of will, I swam up and embraced safety.

I climbed the mountain, with every ascending step I descended 2 steps. By way of will, I was at the summit.

By way of will, I will triumph.

I refuse to go to school today, my eyes refuse to look at any notes or books, and my body refuses to go anywhere that is outside the boundaries of my house. I just refuse.
I've been kept up half the night by the itching.. although admittingly it's been better for the past few days. But I'm tired.

There is nothing that could ever change it
There is nothing that could every change me
I am yours, and you are mine
Tonight love.. and through time


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