jem with me.


Sunday, November 16, 2003

I am the lead actor of my life, with drama, suspense, stability, madness and love all written in the script. I am also the director. But some of my co-actors dont seem to cooperate to fulfill a fairy tale ending.

Our dramatic lives seem almost parallel to those of soap operas; we scoff at the absurdity of its exaggeration, yet to our horror, it seems like the very things that we had previously mocked at were now being reflected in our very own lives.

I think by now, many of us have realised that happily ever ending rarely happens and it is just another aspect of illusion that our hearts trick us into believing. But with the perfect end, we cant fully appreciate or experience those pure minutes of happiness. Our lives are like 3-dimensional soap operas at times, yet it is through these seemingly far fetched moments that we understand the full gamut of emtions, and build ourselves up to restore our balance.

I talked about detachment before, and stoicsm, yet knowing that remaining removed from experience misses you out on the primary objective of love. Perhaps I fear the penetration of emotions. Perhaps I lack the courage. Perhaps. However, I feel that I just simply know how to affirm. By turning negative thoughts into...well.. not exactly positive thoughts.. but by just remaining indifferent from what I cannot control. It is one of the remedies for negativity.

I lived in my dreams with you, and my fantasies. Now, I have you in reality... and you are one of the best things that happened to me. For everywhere I go, you are always there.


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