jem with me.


Wednesday, September 24, 2003

It is weak anthropic principle that there is not such thing as fantasy... even if it is a delusion, it doesnt matter, cause it is real in your eyes.

I've been dreaming a lot of teletransporting lately, where a person can be transposed from one place to another in a matter of minutes, or to go a bit further, instantly. Yes, all cynics out there, I know that according to the present laws of Physics this is impossible.. but you know, if you really want to debate this, I think that it can be there... only.. it just exists on our minds.. How true is your word Zen, that we all exists in many different realms.. and you know, the power of the mind can do wonders. ..

Do you remember all the ambitions that we've had when we were younger? I wanted to be a policeman, a fireman.... (dont laugh!).. but now I know the difference between childhood ambitions and grown up career ideals. Not that being a fireman or a policeman is bad, in fact I really hold such people in reverence. (*nudges Jo* :) ) But those lines dont really go for me. Actually, I would like to be a gerontologist, the study of human aging. I think I have this certain obsession with the way the mind works, and the consciousness and soul of humanity. But ah well.......
Anyway, I just want to tell whoever.... every path appears differently, if your passion is in the Arts, find that passion within yourself to pursue it. It's not easy, and there may not be many supporters in the way.. but you have to define yourself individuality, and singularity. Just want to tell you I am behind you all the way.. your greatest fan!awww...

I want to be the DJ of our music channel....
I want to serenade love songs to you....


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