jem with me.


Saturday, September 20, 2003

I want to become a better person. Do you....?

The lines between right and wrong are so fine and fuzzy now.. It's not a bold separation line anymore; it has become a dotted line. Examining the events around me both direct and indirect, it seems like many of us are slipping in our good old traditional morals. One ideal way to become a better person is to not judge someone so easily, friend or otherwise. HOw many of us are guilty of being meanly avaricious, or engage in sordid humour? Sometimes, really, it is time to take a breather and open the eyes in our hearts to increase empathy and get a wider perspective. Let us all accept that we are all born with different tendencies and temperaments. Some of us are melancholy;some with perpetual grins.Some are social; some anti. But character can be built or demolised from habits. so let's dig and fertilize the goodness that is innate in us, and just simply learn to share a little.

Perhaps love is like the ocean
Full of conflict, full of change


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